Learn what to feed tiger salamanders in this free video clip about raising salamanders.
Duration : 0:1:47
Amphibian caresheets and tips
by Tricia
Learn what to feed tiger salamanders in this free video clip about raising salamanders.
Duration : 0:1:47
by Tricia
i found a baby salamander on a blanket in my house… my brother and sister want to keep it… i have a lil tank from previous lizards that lived for years, , the tank is like a foot wide and a foot long and a fot and a half tall, i have leaves and little bark peieces for it…if thats what it needs, i jsut wanted to know a little more about its habitat and food…
idk what kind of salamander it is but its like dark redish and is sorta striped from head to tail…and a really long tail that moves like a snake…
please help, thanx
u need to release them keeping wild caught salamanders is cruel immoral and environmentally reprehensible when a wild animal i removed from its natural environment and put in a confined space it causes massive amounts of stress. this affects herps (reptiles and amphibians) very badly worse than most other orders many die simply from the stress of being in captivity it also weakens there immune system meaning more die from disease. those that survive suffer from stress related behavior disorders, stress related illness and have a shortened life span. there quality of life is pretty bad too
by Tricia
I am thinking about keeping a salamander or newt for a pet. (after reading up about them and learning how to take care of one, of course!) What is the best way to catch one, and where do most live?
You should never take an animal out of the wild. In a lot of places it is illegal and also they could come diseased and will be more aggressive then a captive bred.
Go to a pet store and buy a captive bred one (they can order you in one if they don't have one)
by Tricia
Learn the various sub-species of tiger salamanders in this free video clip about caring for a pet salamander.
Duration : 0:1:20
by Tricia
im thinking of getting a mudpuppy salamander but i need to know every thing that will help me take care of them and if there legal in california.
I have quite a bit of experience with mudpuppies. They require a large aquarium with smooth rocks to hide under. They require cool, clean, oxygenated water.
You will need a good filter- undergravel with a powerhead is easiest.
Treat they water- they are very sensitive to ammonia and chlorine.
They eat small aquatic invertebrates and fish. Feed it minnows, earthworms, and small crawdads.
by Tricia
Learn about the perfect habitat for tiger salamanders in this free video clip about caring for salamanders.
Duration : 0:1:48
by Tricia
my mom not so keen on getting a salamander or newt…so one that's very low maintenence… thanx
Tiger and marbled salamanders are both easy. These are related, so the care's the same.
They can be kept in a large "critter container" or a 10 gallon tank. Both like to burrow, so I like shredded coconut bark for them – about 2 inches deep. They like humid conditions, so I keep the stuff moist, but not wet and mist every few days. I also keep a water dish in the tank – they don't drink the water, but it helps with the humidity and they usually burrow under it. They like cool temperatures and are nocturnal – they come out at night – so they don't need lights. They will eat crickets, worms, and other small insects (no lightning bugs – they're toxic!). These shouldn't be handled, but neither should any salamander/newt. A screen over the tank is a good idea – they can climb, and so can some of the things they eat, so your mom will be happy if they stay put. Both species will cost around $20-25.
I have a marbled and she's a great pet. I don't see her except at night or when I clean her tank, though. (Yes, I know it's a she – females of this species are silver and black, males are white and black!)