feeding ,caring ,heating
You need to determine what type of tree frog you have. They all have different care requirements depending on what part of the world they come from. All frogs require live food like crickets, and it is a good idea for all species to dust the crickets with calcium supplements once a week so the frog can remain healthy. Depending on the species, a tree frog may need humid conditions, or drier and may require higher temperatures than room temperature. All species must have access to clean water, changed daily. It is best to use water that has been standing overnight so the chlorine is removed or one can buy chlorine removers at the pet store that are used for tropical fish.
For the bottom of the cage, it is a good idea to use some kind of bark material, or soil that is specifically designed for amphibians, and cleaned of all parasites.
The most important thing is to find out what species you have, and try to recreate the conditions found in its native environment.
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