My young Bullfrog takes care of mouse.
Song: Guns’n Roses, Welcome to the Jungle.
Duration : 0:2:39
Amphibian caresheets and tips
by Tricia
My young Bullfrog takes care of mouse.
Song: Guns’n Roses, Welcome to the Jungle.
Duration : 0:2:39
by Tricia
by Tricia
Learn how to care for salamander larvae in this free video clip about breeding tiger salamanders.
Duration : 0:1:55
by Tricia
Salamanders are one of the oldest groups of existing terrestrial vertebrates.
Salamanders are amphibians, related to frogs and toads. Because of their secretive nature and nocturnal lifestyle, salamanders are one of the least studied groups of animals. They love dark, wet places, often in deep woods, which is one reason why salamanders are the subjects of numerous myths and legends.
Traditional folklore held that salamanders could survive in fire.
Salamanders are extremely sensitive to changes in their ecosystems, and the health of local salamander populations often mirrors the health of the habitat as a whole.
Duration : 0:7:50
by Tricia
by Tricia
by Tricia
found a little brownish toad in the backyard.
1. what do they eat?
2. How do i tell if it's poiseness?
3. any particular things i need to know about caring for it?
if you don't have an ANSWER then don't REPLY.
How about leaving it out in the backyard so it can live a happy life, if you don't know how to take care of it??
Wild animals are wild for a reason…
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