I thought I'd ask first before I purchase a newt.
I went to the pet store yesterday and saw a newt. I thought it looked cool for an aquarium. I was thinking, since it was in a water with african dwarf frogs, that I could put one in my aquarium. I have a couple question about them.
Would they settle well in a community tank with fish?
What do you feed them?
What should the lay-out of the tank be?
What should I do to make them happy?
Could I keep a solitary newt in a community tank?
How do you care for them (tank size, temp and ph, etc.)
Here are the fish I have: 4 Cherry Barbs, 2 Corydoras Catfish and 1 otocinclus. Also, the water in my tank is all the way to the top.
Please list any preparation that I would do.
Thank you very much for your help.
Christian Coleman
I too thought they were land animals, only needing part water like toads and some frogs. If you know what specie it is, try doing a search on that particular one. Hats off to ya for asking before buying too!! Don't ever trust a pet store or their employees, better off doing your own research first. Good luck!
Newts would actually eat the fish. If they can fit them in their mouth, they will eat them. Also, newts need land to bask on. If your tank is filled all the way to the top, it will be impossible for you to create enough land for it. A 10 gallon tank is also to small for a full grown newt.
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I too thought they were land animals, only needing part water like toads and some frogs. If you know what specie it is, try doing a search on that particular one. Hats off to ya for asking before buying too!! Don't ever trust a pet store or their employees, better off doing your own research first. Good luck!
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Newts can't go in a full tank with fish,they need tank with places to get out on land.Here is some information on newt care:http://ia.essortment.com/howtotakecare_rorv.htm
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