print up this list of instructions for him. i find that in the past when freinds have "dumped" their pets on me, if there is a list of instructions i am more inclined to keep it. not only does it seem like the pet is easy to take care of, it insures the pet, in this case you beloved frog, will have proper care. it saves your freind alot of time and energy and he won't have to remember anything he can just keep the list of instructions posted on his cage.
First, tree frogs need moisture. I'm not talking about they get thirsty really quickly. Their skin dries up within minutes of handling. Get a large aquarium. Fill it with about a water bottle full of water. Make sure the water stays clean and is changed regularly. Bottled water (NOT distilled) is best.
Tree frogs escape really easily. Put a screen on top of it, so they can breathe.
We've covered the basic. Now on to the harder care.
Fill about half of it with light, sand or tree bark. Tree frogs originate in tropical regions, and are used to either type. Getting bark/sand from a pet store is best because it is sifted and is sure not to have any chemicals or harmful agents. Do not use garden potting soil, as there are chemicals in it that will make your frog sick!
Cover it with items found in the region you caught it: leaves, twigs, dirt, bugs. Frogs love to climb, so make sure there are plenty of places for them to jump and climb on. They are also nocturnal, so a dark place to sleep in the daytime is important. Try flipping a plastic bowl upside down (chinese take-out bowls work well) and cutting a small door in the side.
Get some food. In nature, tree frogs have a wide diet. This includes bugs such as crickets, which are found worldwide. Go out at about dawn or dusk. This is when the crickets are most active, and easiest to catch. Crickets are also available at pet stores and are pretty inexpensive. It is good to dust the crickets with some calcium powder (from the pet store) once a week to help your frog's bones stay strong. UV (sun) light also helps with this. Some frogs will also eat meal worms, earth worms, or even pinkie mice!
Keep a small dish of dry fish food flakes in the terrarium for the crickets to eat. It will give them nourishment to pass on to the frogs, and will also prevent them from nibbling on the frogs backs when they get hungry.
Go to the pet store and get items from the Amphibian aisle.
Go to the library and check out books on frogs. Maybe you can find your frog's fave food.
frog care daily check list:
fed 1-4 small crickets done/ not done
(depending on the size of the frog, every other day)
make sure water is clean done/ not done
bowl filled with falkes food- can be left over a week
done/ not done
once a week
clean cage done/ not done
give your friend a to-do list, for everyday and give it to your friend. This means they can always look at it even if they forget.
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try to as hard as you can to explain it or give it someone that already knows how to take care of one.
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Keep the frog, then do your normal schedule like feeding etc. But when you do that stuff write it down on a piece of paper. after, look over, add extra stuff fav. food, etc. and then give to your friend. If he/her has any questions, be sure to list your phone #.
Hope I helped!
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Did you get a care sheet or book when you got him? give that to your friend with the parts he needs to do Highlighted
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give him a care sheet of the internet
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You should let him know about how you took care of it.You tell him to clean it feed it small crickets you get at the store.You always have to give it air and the crickets.
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My classmates grandma came with her frogs and she talked about how she takes care about them.
Why? I mean if it's your pet…how do you expect to give it to someone to take care of if you can't explain *how* to take care of it? This makes no sense….I suggest you omit pets from your life. I mean the freggin little frog cant tell them either…what's your problem? I'm confused.
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print up this list of instructions for him. i find that in the past when freinds have "dumped" their pets on me, if there is a list of instructions i am more inclined to keep it. not only does it seem like the pet is easy to take care of, it insures the pet, in this case you beloved frog, will have proper care. it saves your freind alot of time and energy and he won't have to remember anything he can just keep the list of instructions posted on his cage.
First, tree frogs need moisture. I'm not talking about they get thirsty really quickly. Their skin dries up within minutes of handling. Get a large aquarium. Fill it with about a water bottle full of water. Make sure the water stays clean and is changed regularly. Bottled water (NOT distilled) is best.
Tree frogs escape really easily. Put a screen on top of it, so they can breathe.
We've covered the basic. Now on to the harder care.
Fill about half of it with light, sand or tree bark. Tree frogs originate in tropical regions, and are used to either type. Getting bark/sand from a pet store is best because it is sifted and is sure not to have any chemicals or harmful agents. Do not use garden potting soil, as there are chemicals in it that will make your frog sick!
Cover it with items found in the region you caught it: leaves, twigs, dirt, bugs. Frogs love to climb, so make sure there are plenty of places for them to jump and climb on. They are also nocturnal, so a dark place to sleep in the daytime is important. Try flipping a plastic bowl upside down (chinese take-out bowls work well) and cutting a small door in the side.
Get some food. In nature, tree frogs have a wide diet. This includes bugs such as crickets, which are found worldwide. Go out at about dawn or dusk. This is when the crickets are most active, and easiest to catch. Crickets are also available at pet stores and are pretty inexpensive. It is good to dust the crickets with some calcium powder (from the pet store) once a week to help your frog's bones stay strong. UV (sun) light also helps with this. Some frogs will also eat meal worms, earth worms, or even pinkie mice!
Keep a small dish of dry fish food flakes in the terrarium for the crickets to eat. It will give them nourishment to pass on to the frogs, and will also prevent them from nibbling on the frogs backs when they get hungry.
Go to the pet store and get items from the Amphibian aisle.
Go to the library and check out books on frogs. Maybe you can find your frog's fave food.
frog care daily check list:
fed 1-4 small crickets done/ not done
(depending on the size of the frog, every other day)
make sure water is clean done/ not done
bowl filled with falkes food- can be left over a week
done/ not done
once a week
clean cage done/ not done
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