i bought a tadpole. i know how to care for it now, but what do i need to do with it as it starts to turn into a frog? and when it is a full grown frog? ( i have a pac man frog as well, so i'm assuming that i just feed any other frog crickets too….) and don't worry, i know not to put them in the same aquarium. lol
oh, and i know i put this under reptiles.. even though a frog is an amphibian
All frogs like bugs,but you can feed him little bits of hamburger too.Just hold it on a straw or small stick of somekind,wiggle it a tiny bit & he will snap it right down!
What is a pacman frog? I love frogs & know who pacman is,but never heard of a pacman frog!
tadpoles should be free! just keep him fed and he will slowly grow legs 🙂 happy frogging.
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it takes time
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Oh, i have had 275 tadpoles at one time! Yes its true! Um, when ur tadpole starts to get legs you should make it so that it can go on land yet have some water to get into also!!!1 they love a good mud bath make sure that you have mud for it to cool off in! taking care of 275 frogs until they were ready to go off and be frogs i should now what i am talking about!
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I am glad you know not to put that young frog in with your pacman…those things are vicious and eat anything the same size as themselves whole…interesting to watch…..
Not sure how to raise frogs…
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All frogs like bugs,but you can feed him little bits of hamburger too.Just hold it on a straw or small stick of somekind,wiggle it a tiny bit & he will snap it right down!
What is a pacman frog? I love frogs & know who pacman is,but never heard of a pacman frog!
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sorry it will croak bla
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sorry couldnt help it