I want a reptile (or amphibian) I can hold and isn't diffcult to care for. I was thinking a corn snake, but any other ideas? Lizards are good too.
Thanks in advance!
Cornsnakes are ideal. Easy to care for, good eaters, and they come in a variety of colors. They are docile as well. I don't recommend ball pythons due to their feeding problems. Too stressful for a new snake owner to deal with. Bearded dragons are great lizards. Not too difficult to care for, and they have wonderful personalities.
red slider turtles there sooooooooo cool
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Corn snakes, ball pythons, leopard geckos, and iguanas are easily kept as pets. Just look into which you might be interested in and do good research.
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I own several reptiles.
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Corn snakes they are easy to care for and don't get very big. check out Kathy Love's website. She wrote one of the best corn snake care manuals out there.
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the fat tailed gecko
they are like leopard geckos but their brains are twice as big and their tails dont fall off
they hjold well and love when their scales are being scratched and rubbed
they also lick you and can be fun to put on your shoulder while u are doing ur homework
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i own a fat tailed geck and a leopard gecko
Cornsnakes are ideal. Easy to care for, good eaters, and they come in a variety of colors. They are docile as well. I don't recommend ball pythons due to their feeding problems. Too stressful for a new snake owner to deal with. Bearded dragons are great lizards. Not too difficult to care for, and they have wonderful personalities.
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Owner/breeder of snakes
corn snake.
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snake keeper
this depends on what you want. two really easy to hold
reptiles are african fat tailed geckos or russian toirtoises.
Bearded dragons are also good, except you have to
get them socialized , or when they are young because they can be extremely bity and aggresive if bought at an old age.
Anything that will not stress easily, bite or run away is good.
the thing is, you should get them when they are at a young
age so they can be socialized and become used to handling. failure to do this will result in a very naughty herp! keep in mind though babies are often harder to take care of then adults so be prepared for a lot of work ahead. In my opinion, the trade off is worth it!
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bearded dragon or childerns python
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chinese water dragon
post a pic when you get your pet!
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i would say an iguana they are hard at first but you will get use to them. they will scratch you but only because they are climbing you so just take them to get there nails clipped every 2 months.
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