just until i can make it to the pet store tomorrow. i just bought it a while ago, but walmart didnt have newt food. something that will hold him over. he looks really skinny… any tips would be great too on how to care, and prolong his lifespan. also is there a way to tell if it is male/female?
Do not feed your newt "newt food". That food is chlorophyl based and is NOT good for them. The best thing for them is live feedings. The pet store or even Wal-mart sell feeders for a dime. These feeders can be fish or crickets. Live Feeding also stimulates your pet. If you don't have the stomache to feed a living dreature to your pet you can also buy freeze dried crickets or bloodworms in a canister next to the fish food. Watching a Newt hunt a feeder is incredible.
try that page for feeding
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Do not feed your newt "newt food". That food is chlorophyl based and is NOT good for them. The best thing for them is live feedings. The pet store or even Wal-mart sell feeders for a dime. These feeders can be fish or crickets. Live Feeding also stimulates your pet. If you don't have the stomache to feed a living dreature to your pet you can also buy freeze dried crickets or bloodworms in a canister next to the fish food. Watching a Newt hunt a feeder is incredible.
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worms such as earth mealworms superworms maybe waxworms silkworms phoenix worms
crickets i think there pellets
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I feed mine freeze dried grubs and the occasional waxworm, she also loves feeder guppies, they are tiny guppies.
And yes there is a way to tell if it's male or female, but it's tricky, males in season will have a swollen cloaca, I can get you a pic, http://6dark6haven6.deviantart.com/art/Sexing-Newts-59583787
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