What would I need to know before I bought a frog or toad?
well right now i have 1 toad & 3 frogs. they are not hard to take care of!
things you need:
a 20 gallon tank (for most species), fake or real plants, a water bowl, dirt, moss, a water bottle, a log, crickets, & a heating lamp. oh & dont forget the tank lid!
good beginner frogs, the amount of crickets 1will eat a day, & the amount that can fit into a 20 gallon tank:
whites tree frog: 4-6crickets, 1-3 frogs
grey tree frog: 2-4crickets, 1-5 frogs
fire bellied toads: 2-3crickets, 1-6 frogs
cuban tree frogs: 3-5crickets, 1-4 frogs
things you need to know:
frogs & toads are cold blooded this means their body temperature changes with the temperature around them. that is why they need a heating lamp. the temperature in the tank should be 70-76 f. at night the temperature should drop about 5 f. they should have a side where they can go to get out of the heat if they want. this is partly what the log is for. the lamp should be kept on 1 side of the tank. it should never be kept over the water bowl or the log, it will over heat! near it is ok just not directly over it the tank should be sprayed 2-3 times a day. they will dry out & die because they like a humid climate. the humidity should be 80%-90%. the moss in the tank should help keep the humidity level up. you can get a thermometer & hgrometer to where you can keep a check. the thermometer should be placed on the warm side of the tank & the hygrometer on the cool side. the log is for if he wants to hide or get out of the light. the plants are so they will have something to climb on. 1 other thing. always wash your hands before & after touching them. some have toxins, its not harmful unless you put your hands in your mouth though.
good luck!!! i really hope this helps (it took me a long time to type all of this)!!!!!!
No.Just because I had a frog and is very easy to take care for as pet,but toads…I don't know if is difficult or not.If you buy toads,pls tell me if is difficult to care on this id:black_cat_culcea.
Pls don't forget!
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well right now i have 1 toad & 3 frogs. they are not hard to take care of!
things you need:
a 20 gallon tank (for most species), fake or real plants, a water bowl, dirt, moss, a water bottle, a log, crickets, & a heating lamp. oh & dont forget the tank lid!
good beginner frogs, the amount of crickets 1will eat a day, & the amount that can fit into a 20 gallon tank:
whites tree frog: 4-6crickets, 1-3 frogs
grey tree frog: 2-4crickets, 1-5 frogs
fire bellied toads: 2-3crickets, 1-6 frogs
cuban tree frogs: 3-5crickets, 1-4 frogs
things you need to know:
frogs & toads are cold blooded this means their body temperature changes with the temperature around them. that is why they need a heating lamp. the temperature in the tank should be 70-76 f. at night the temperature should drop about 5 f. they should have a side where they can go to get out of the heat if they want. this is partly what the log is for. the lamp should be kept on 1 side of the tank. it should never be kept over the water bowl or the log, it will over heat! near it is ok just not directly over it the tank should be sprayed 2-3 times a day. they will dry out & die because they like a humid climate. the humidity should be 80%-90%. the moss in the tank should help keep the humidity level up. you can get a thermometer & hgrometer to where you can keep a check. the thermometer should be placed on the warm side of the tank & the hygrometer on the cool side. the log is for if he wants to hide or get out of the light. the plants are so they will have something to climb on. 1 other thing. always wash your hands before & after touching them. some have toxins, its not harmful unless you put your hands in your mouth though.
good luck!!! i really hope this helps (it took me a long time to type all of this)!!!!!!
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