its about 5 cm. and its red-brown w/ tinny tinny black dots…
Well I don't know how to feed it, but I can tell you they love cool water, because cool water contains more oxygen and they partly breathe through their skin like frogs. Also they need a place to crawl up that's dry, and a place where a fine water mist sprays I've found- … I found a salamandar under my shed living where a pipe had sprung a leak, he loved to hang out in the spray. Did you know a salamandar can remember a maze after having it's brain scrambled?hmmm (science fact, after it heals ofcourse.)
salamanders are wild and not meant to be pes i find tem all the time you should let it go.
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Well I don't know how to feed it, but I can tell you they love cool water, because cool water contains more oxygen and they partly breathe through their skin like frogs. Also they need a place to crawl up that's dry, and a place where a fine water mist sprays I've found- … I found a salamandar under my shed living where a pipe had sprung a leak, he loved to hang out in the spray. Did you know a salamandar can remember a maze after having it's brain scrambled?hmmm (science fact, after it heals ofcourse.)
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Click on this link for an excellent fact sheet about salamanders and their care:
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He'll die. Wild salamanders are not equipped to live in an aquarium. If you want a salamander get one from a pet store that has captive bred salamanders.
Newts are also very easy to care for pets.
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If you go to and go to small animals you might find out how to take care of it. If you cant care for it the right way, put it back where you found it.
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I would reccomend letting it go. Try to take it somewhere close to where you found it. Place it near a pond / creek or other source of water.
Then run out to your nearest pet store and buy one. Salmanders make great pets.
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