Learn about the benefits of having a pet salamander in this free video clip about tiger salamanders.
Duration : 0:1:27
[youtube -YBQZMbUIFQ]
Amphibian caresheets and tips
by Tricia
Learn about the benefits of having a pet salamander in this free video clip about tiger salamanders.
Duration : 0:1:27
[youtube -YBQZMbUIFQ]
I've been fascinated by reptiles and amphibians since childhood and I've been working with them since 1995. I've been helping with their pets for more than 15 years via my websites and blogs and in person.
yeah thats …
yeah thats something ive noticed, you should make a video on the tank setup and its temp/humidity requirements and please make it all in ONE video if you do.
I have gone on 2 of …
I have gone on 2 of your videos on how to care for them but none mention temps -tank set ups -food,etc