I found a wild frog outside. How am I supposed to take cae of it?
Is it wet or sticky skinned? Then it's a frog. If it's dry, it's a toad. Frogs and toads require slightly different habitats and care. Here are links to click on to open websites for frog and toad care:
find a lake or pond and let it go free!
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It would be best to let it go. if you keep it, it won't live for very long. l trust me, I've tried it before.
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Is it wet or sticky skinned? Then it's a frog. If it's dry, it's a toad. Frogs and toads require slightly different habitats and care. Here are links to click on to open websites for frog and toad care:
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get a glass fish aqurium, fill about 3 inches of water, make a mountain of rocks, and shine a 60 – 100 light on the rocks and part of the water for the frog can maintain it's body temp. put some greens for the frog to cool down in, like a patch of grass, but in sod form (still with dirt on the roots), and feed insects, or reptile food from a pet store.
be nice to the little critter and set the poor guy free. That's the best habitat you could possibly ever offer it.
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Your new friend wouldn't have been where you found it if it wasn't happy there. It had plenty of bugs to eat, maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend that it was looking forward to seeing in a few months, and now it might be put in a box where it could dry out from incorrect humidity, or stress out and starve itself to death, or die of some other form of malnutrition. This frog deserves to be taken care of the best way possible, by putting it right back where you found it. It'll thank you for it.
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Put him back outside. Early evening would be the best time to release him. Put him in a safe place away from the road, any dogs or cats, or other kids.
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I tried this once, with a little frog. It didn't work out that great. My advice:
1. look up the frog (or it might be a toad) on google. Type in frogs, then go to pics. Click on the pics that look similar to the frog(or toad). After that look up some care sheets for it.
2. Look out! You may of caught an endangered species!
4. Set it free. It belongs in the wild! It might die of heart ache! The poor little guy needs a chance, right?
5. If you can't/won"t do any of these options, then here is some advice for a cage/enclosure: A 10 gallon tank should do the trick. Don't forget plants! lots and lots of plants!! Of course it needs water and it needs to be kept humid. About 70-80 Fahrenheit is a good temp. You need to change water daily and that just about it.
Hope this helps!
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my own experiance
frog care/google
Here is the best advice that you are going to get. You need to take it and put it back near where you found it. Wild frogs do not do good in captivity and will more then likely die. If you do not want to kill the poor thing, I recommend returning it to its home.
If you like him a lot, you can always go buy a frog from the petstore that is meant to be a pet. They are often times a lot cutier and colorful anyways. Plus, the pet store can help you with your whole set up.
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I would just let it go if possible..
..but if you are serious about keeping it then I would do this:
Fill the bottom of a ten gallon or larger tank with gravel, then a layer of peat moss that you can buy at the pet store.
Half bury a dish full of water in the gravel so it can soak when it needs to.
You'll have to buy him crickets from the pet store every week or two. Don't feed him too much at one time or he could get sick. I would keep crickets in a separate tank and feed him maybe 2 every other day.
To keep crickets, just get a small tank and put a little dish of water (milk caps work well) or a sponge with water for them to drink. Fill another milk cap with oatmeal for them to eat.
Let me know if you need to know anything else!
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Throw it back in the wild- you're doing more harm than good
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ooooh! Please don't let it pee on you.
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Let it go! You don't know what kind it is or how to care for it let it go before you kill it.
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Really, you guys say “your going to kill it”. Well guess what.. it will die anyways, and the people are just trying to have fun. Keep it, as long as you give it a great home, large enough space, and food. itll be all good. Dont listen to the others that say let it go, cuz guess what “your parents never let you go” and im perty sure some of you were unhappy living with them. RIGHT??
Umm well I’m not having fun with this one but it would really be best if you let the frog or toad go because if you don’t it will likely die from not being in the right habitat or place were it lives truly i tried it before with a frog and i did everything i could but the next day he died.This is truth so if you want him to leave please put him back were he belongs.But if you want a frog you could go to the pet store.
Thank you,hope i helped!!!
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let it go get a frog from the pet store because wild frogs adapted to there old habitat and if not in that habitat they die if you get one from the pet store it has not
adapted and will adept to your habitat
My kids found a tank outside and it is the middle of winter and it had a frog in it. I believe it belonged to the people that were living downstairs. What human foods can I feed it that won't harm it.