I'm plannng on buying a Pixie Frog, but I want to learn as much about them as I can before I get one. What type of home do they need, what do they eat?
Any help is very appreciated, thanks.
You can keep them in a glass terrarium, with moist substrate such as soil, coconut bark, and moss. They should have an appropriate sized water bowl to soak in as well as a hiding place. The soil needs to be kept very wet, and temperatures should never drop below about 65 degrees. Feed large crickets that have been gut-loaded with calcium.
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You can keep them in a glass terrarium, with moist substrate such as soil, coconut bark, and moss. They should have an appropriate sized water bowl to soak in as well as a hiding place. The soil needs to be kept very wet, and temperatures should never drop below about 65 degrees. Feed large crickets that have been gut-loaded with calcium.
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Housing – 10 – 20 gallon tank, big water dish, substrate where they can dig to hide
Food – crickets, earthworms, most any bugs you catch (other than lightning bugs – these are toxic), fish and mice as adults
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