Learn tips for purchasing a tiger salamander in this free video clip about caring for pet salamanders.
Duration : 0:1:25
[youtube yjRLWUu40X8]
Amphibian caresheets and tips
by Tricia
Learn tips for purchasing a tiger salamander in this free video clip about caring for pet salamanders.
Duration : 0:1:25
[youtube yjRLWUu40X8]
I've been fascinated by reptiles and amphibians since childhood and I've been working with them since 1995. I've been helping with their pets for more than 15 years via my websites and blogs and in person.
appy234 says
where i live you …
where i live you can just go in a moist cellar with dirt and find em
Look in areas that …
Look in areas that are damp or humid for long periods of time. I found a colony of tiger salamanders in my crawl space, and I mean COLONY! Like 20+ They were laying spawn everywhere. I fed them a little but left them alone cause they where happy where they were 🙂
damnmypantsareonfire says
those salamanders …
those salamanders are so cool i want to get one but i dont think it will get along with my cats very well
tyler0836 says
where do u buy the …
where do u buy the tigers
raeboom says
I don’t think that …
I don’t think that people should be encouraged to keep wild caught individuals. I love these creatures very much but now will only keep animals that have been captive bred. I would like to believe that no harm is done to wild populations by removing individuals but with so many of us humans in the hunt, the wild salamander populations don’t stand a chance. I would love to hear other’s comments.
tyca129 says
iv looked every …
iv looked every were i cant find one my friend has found 3 tiger salamanders
aaa645 says
you got nice tiger …
you got nice tiger salamanders
i got a awful one =p
Hugloser103 says
12-15 years
12-15 years
monkeykid101 says
monkeykid101 says
they are hard to …
they are hard to find !!!
shadoweyes666 says
Pretty cool, how …
Pretty cool, how much do they generaly go for?
Herper666 says
keep it very damp( …
keep it very damp(the substrate) water can be changed everyother day – iff you cant do t basic needs dont get one
rebelbitch624 says
im looking at …
im looking at buying one of the tiger salamanders but i go to school every day so how do i change its water bowl and when do i need to spray water on the moss flooring?
BlackMidalia says
absolutly beautiful …
absolutly beautiful salimanders. there awsome and neet, i wish i had another, i have one and he’s hand fed
choosendog24 says
do tiger …
do tiger salamanders bite u
herpoholic says
quite a good video
quite a good video