Ive had Red Eyed Tree frogs in the past and theyre very easy to keep.
A ten gallon tank will hold three of them ( i kept three in a 30 long )
Theyre comfortable at room temperature
They dont need much light ( Theyre nocturnal )
They need some humidity in their tank but not too much ( Too much is bad)
They dont make any noise at all.
Ten…. fifteen small crickets a week is fine for one. ( male crickets dont chirp)
Only bad thing about them is that they dont live very long in captivity
Id say two years the most so.
Good luck if you get them…… they are very cool to look at and watch at night.
tree frogs are pretty cool but they make cool noises and sometimes its a pain to clean their tank but they are fun that is for sure.
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I have a green tree frog. Very very easy to take care of. Hasn't made a peep in all these months. (I'm guessing it's because she's female). Waiting on more that are ordered to join her. 🙂
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hi i had 2 green tree frogs they look good and get pretty big my frogs got to about 9-10cm some get up to 12cm. Only males croak and make a bit of noise in spring (breeding time). They are easy to maintain and don't eat that much i fed my frogs crickets, piny mice and even daddy long legs. They make great pets.
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I have Whites tree frogs (aka Dumpy tree frogs) and a white lipped tree frog.
They are not hard to care for. My male does make the occasional croaking sound. Its not an annoying sound, its really neat! Even though we do not hold ours very much, they are very friendly and sociable. I just moved mine to a larger tank with a little waterfall for them.
Here is a pretty good site with info on them:
The one thing that most sites do not mention is about the substrate / bedding. I buy Jungle Mix which is really good. It has potting soil in it but it also has pieces of wood. It takes a while but I sift out all the wood pieces, no matter how small they are. One thing about Whites tree frogs is that when they eat, they grab everything in site, also pieces of wood etc. So do keep this in mind when picking out the substrate. I sift through everything so that they do not ingest the pieces of wood, as this could kill them.
Good luck.. hope you find the froggy that is perfect for you… : )
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thats just crule to me, i come from australia and where i am in the tropics of north queensland, no1 has "pet" tree frogs, i have 100's some times 100's of them in my backyard, its quite amazing sometimes when all the babies have hatched, but i dont know why u would want one as a pet because when u hold them it hurts them, there skin in very sensitive and we have acids on our hands that are painful to them, dont get one, just let them be in there natural invironment!
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Ive had Red Eyed Tree frogs in the past and theyre very easy to keep.
A ten gallon tank will hold three of them ( i kept three in a 30 long )
Theyre comfortable at room temperature
They dont need much light ( Theyre nocturnal )
They need some humidity in their tank but not too much ( Too much is bad)
They dont make any noise at all.
Ten…. fifteen small crickets a week is fine for one. ( male crickets dont chirp)
Only bad thing about them is that they dont live very long in captivity
Id say two years the most so.
Good luck if you get them…… they are very cool to look at and watch at night.
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