Hey, I have a newt and I was wondering if I should oxyginate the water (have an airstone in)? I have one in, but I havent put my newt in yet. Please help.
P.S. The pet store said he was a paddle-tailed newt…
Newts dont exacly breath through gills so the water does not have to be oxygenated but in the wild they live in clear flowing, highly oxygenated streams, and since they do breathe a little bit through their skin, I would reccomend using an airstone.
From what I understand, oxygenating the water is specifically for fishes. It shouldn't have any adverse effects on your newt.
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Newts dont exacly breath through gills so the water does not have to be oxygenated but in the wild they live in clear flowing, highly oxygenated streams, and since they do breathe a little bit through their skin, I would reccomend using an airstone.
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