I just purchased a wonderful new pet but all the research I have found is so both ways. Some people say don't ever do this and others say you can do this if the conditions are right. I just wannt my new pet to be happy.
this website has some help which is very similar to how i keep mine.
this website has some help which is very similar to how i keep mine.
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Basically you need a tank with a moist substrate and a huge water bowl for the frog to swim in. The water needs to be dechlorinated, so you'll have to buy dechlorinator. The tank needs to be kept at the proper temp which means buying a heat lamp. This also means you will have to mist the tank with a water bottle several times daily so your frog doesn't dry up. It needs places to hide and places to climb. Many people also use aquariums, fill them halfway with water, them put big rocks in for the frogs to stay on. This is fine as long as they have alot of land room. Make sure the water is filtered and heated and dechlorinated and kept at a temp of 70-80 degrees. Make sure you also have cricket dust and plenty of food on hand for it.
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