Salamanders are one of the oldest groups of existing terrestrial vertebrates.
Salamanders are amphibians, related to frogs and toads. Because of their secretive nature and nocturnal lifestyle, salamanders are one of the least studied groups of animals. They love dark, wet places, often in deep woods, which is one reason why salamanders are the subjects of numerous myths and legends.
Traditional folklore held that salamanders could survive in fire.
Salamanders are extremely sensitive to changes in their ecosystems, and the health of local salamander populations often mirrors the health of the habitat as a whole.
Duration : 0:7:50
[youtube Pmp0uO8NYOU]
a couple of things: …
a couple of things: 1.)dumbass witches burning salamanders… 2.) thats so sad thats theres only 2 left in that forest how did u guys find them to know that? 3.)would the baby salamanders from the original 2’s clutch become inbreeders?
were can i fine a …
were can i fine a tiger salamander if anybody has any ideas plz mail me
Thanks ๐
It is …
Thanks ๐
It is forest in Serbia, small vilage Bogovadja,
Awesome video. …
Awesome video. Looks a lot like the forest in one of my videos. Where was this shot?
urm… they ge up …
urm… they ge up to 7 inches
Poor salamander ๐
Poor salamander ๐
Hvala za ovo. Zao …
Hvala za ovo. Zao mi je da ih samo dvoje ima tude.
im amazed as tohow …
im amazed as tohow they film and follow something so small
very nice
very nice
Great footage and …
Great footage and narration!
REALLY nice video?
REALLY nice video?
did you have made it?
ha. nice look into …
ha. nice look into the life of the fire salamander. i find it rather strange how both youyrs and my productions had very similar elements…deep vice narration, damp forest. happenings around a fire. interesting to see anothers perseption on it. cool vid man. probably a little more accurate than mine to!