If it is wild caught it is definitely best to release it as close to where you found it as possible, wild caught animals can not only bring in parasites and diseases to your family and pets, but also most do not do well in captivity, a lot of them refuse to eat or run into the glass of an aquarium until they cause permanent damage or even kill themselves not to mention they would be very unhappy.
However if it was a captive bred frog here is a caresheet on the tree frog (I couldn’t find one on the north Carolina tree frog but these should give you a good place to start).
There are a couple of things that this caresheet does not mention that I would like to add, frogs like all pets need yearly checkups to make sure that they are healthy, also frogs should not be handled unless absolutely necessary, and if you have to wet your hands first, the oils on your hands can damage their skin allowing infection to set in. Good Luck!
If you captured it, let it go! If purchased then the store that you got it from should have given you advice. If not then query a search site on-line about their care. Good luck!
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Nature lover.
Put him outside, he'll take care of himself.
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Buy one of those frog-containers. Keep it supplied with fresh water and food. Sounds neat.
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If it is wild caught it is definetly best to release it as close to where you found it as possible, wild caught animals can not only bring in parasites and diseases to your family and pets but also most do not do well in captivity, a lot of them refuse to eat or run into the glass of an aquarium until they cause permenant damage or even kill themselves not to mention they would be very unhappy. However if it was a captive bred frog here is a caresheet on the tree frog (I couldnt find one on the north carolina tree frog but these should give you a good place to start), there are a couple of things that this caresheet does not mention that I would like to add, frogs like all pets need yearly checkups to make sure that they are healthy, also frogs should not be handled unless absolutley necesary, and if you have to wet your hands first, the oils on your hands can damage their skin allowing infection to set in. Good Luck!
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