These are all my herps. I don’t need any nasty comments about my animals being fat or not to touch the frog or anything stupid like that. I know how to take care of my animals, thanks. If you want to complain that I shouldn’t touch the frog, know that my hands were wrinkled and drained of oils because I was cleaning their cage.
Oh, and, don’t tell me anything about mixing them, because they’re all doing well. =)
Duration : 0:2:3
[youtube _ID_el8s4Ew]
hey buddy what size …
hey buddy what size of a tank do you have them in or are they kept separate???
OK. A little manors …
OK. A little manors go a long way ๐
Thank you for being …
Thank you for being polite. I generally never handle them. My hands actually didn’t have any or little of the oils that are deadly to them since I was cleaning the cage and the water made my hands all wrinkly. The tree frog kept jumping out and I needed to find catch her before she jumped away.
Nice Collection, A …
Nice Collection, A word of advice, you really shouldn’t handle amphibians, especially tree frogs, because they absorb just about everything through their skin, and human skin has potentially deadly chemicals on it, obviously your animals are healthy, and well taken care of, but, advice.
The mandarin …
The mandarin salamander was all luck. By random chance, I was browsing a local pet store and came across a tank. The poor little thing had a small branch to climb onto and the rest was water. I quickly modified my tank with my silicone and a piece of glass, put some coconut fiber and moss in and purchased the little one.
The paddle tail newt was purchased at a local reptile shop.
It’s called a …
It’s called a Mandarin salamander, emperor newt, or crocodile newt. Scientific name is Tylototriton shanjing
All the signs show …
All the signs show that they are doing quite well.
Now, I hope you have something better to do then make fun of a 14-year-old’s voice. =)
They stay out of …
They stay out of each others’ way. The FBTs stay in the water(Which has a massive filter now) while the GTF stays on the walls.
Thank you! Finally …
Thank you! Finally someone who can see where I’m coming from
She’s always done …
She’s always done that. It never did any harm. She’s just fat and hungry
where do you get a …
where do you get a mandarin salamander? and a paddletail newt? where do you get all this awesome stuff?
take him in a …
take him in a differint place and try small crickets
umm one of my fire …
umm one of my fire belly toads wher not eating so i triend given her large criggets and she ate them so try liek doing osmthin like that
They arent together …
They arent together its just for the vid.And Im pretty sure these pets are VERY well taken care of they all look AMAZING!! and thats ok my newts sometimes refuse food too for awhile for no reason.
im confused! your …
im confused! your putting firebelly toads and green tree frogs together? i just heard from the petsmart guy that green treefrogs have a toxin on their skin, so should not be put with other animals, but firebellies have more powerful toxin, able to kill the GTF.
Oh, and if you look …
Oh, and if you look closely in the vid, you can see the bombina orientalis lunge for the Tylototriton verrucosus’s tail.
stop being arrogant …
stop being arrogant. mixing species will not work. your newt is most likely not eating because he is stressed from being kept with all those other animals. im sure you know fire bellies have toxins in there skin, which can and will harm the other animals. you dont know if the animals are happy or not, so “they all look fine” wont work. and your voice fails so hard
nice herps
nice herps
thats a cool …
thats a cool looking salamander whats it called?
That salamander!
That salamander!
i think all your …
i think all your frogs and salamanders are cool except i dont see eney thing rong with that salamander maybe he just isnt hungry or hes eating something else in his cage
I was replying to …
I was replying to who ever said ‘Amphibians are all highly toxic to each other’
But, surely they come into contact with each other in rainforests, and not die.
And I like your herps ๐
It’s fine. They …
It’s fine. They don’t really live in the same area, but they’re okay.
I know more about …
I know more about snakes and reptiles.. I’ve had no experience with amphibians so please, don’t start shouting that I’m wrong blah blah blah, cause I probably am, but..
Amphibians of all different types live in the same rainforest, right? And they’re all living, right? whats the difference? except a viv is smaller?