I saw a newt today at my local fish store and thought they were really cute.I am not planning to get one right away because I already have a lot of fish but just wondered if they are hard to take care of and what there requirements are in case I decide to get one some time in the future.If someone has a link where I can read more about them that would be great.
Newts are so awesome! My brother has some, he has had the same two for 10 years! They are fun and easy to take care of, but they still are some work. Here is a link I found helpful: http://ia.essortment.com/howtotakecare_rorv.htm
Good Luck!
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Newt Care
Here are some care tips for Red Belly Newts, and Red Spotted Newts.
Housing: Their housing should be set-up so that there is some land, and some clean water. A 10 gal, 15 gal, and 20 gallon aquariums are the most popular sizes. (Do not use small plastic 2-3 gallons aquariums.) Fill aquarium about 1/2 full of water. No gravel is needed, or use a fine gravel layer. (choose smooth gravel). Provide an area they can get out of. Land-rocks must be very smooth or covered live sheets of moss. Use a screen cover on the top.
The new "Vivaquarium", set-ups that we sell provide a nice newt home.
A small filter should be provided in the water. The Ovation 280, or 400 model does a nice job of keeping the water clean. Change the filter pad every 2-4 weeks, and do a 25% water change weekly. Use de-chlorinated tap water. Water must always be clean and clear.
Lighting: A fluorescent or incandescent light is recommended.
Temperature: Most amphibians like cool temperatures, about 65-75 degrees.
Food: Try "Newt Pellets".. Supplement with tubifex cubes or frozen bloodworms. They eat in water. Remove uneaten food after several hours. Feed once a day.
Live Food-for best health of newts, feed live food once every one or two weeks. Live foods include crickets, earthworms, tubifex worms, guppies and soft-bodied insect larvae.
Handling: Avoid handling aquatic or small newts. Large newts handle only 5-10 minutes, wash hands before and after handling. Salts and oils on our hands are harmful to newts.
Lifespan: Small Newts-4-6 years
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I don't care for newts.
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Newts are so awesome! My brother has some, he has had the same two for 10 years! They are fun and easy to take care of, but they still are some work. Here is a link I found helpful: http://ia.essortment.com/howtotakecare_rorv.htm
Good Luck!
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