whites treefrog and care
Duration : 0:6:25
[youtube nAWRx2BljoE]
Amphibian caresheets and tips
by Tricia
whites treefrog and care
Duration : 0:6:25
[youtube nAWRx2BljoE]
I've been fascinated by reptiles and amphibians since childhood and I've been working with them since 1995. I've been helping with their pets for more than 15 years via my websites and blogs and in person.
i ahve a special …
i ahve a special light thats heat and uvb i’d get a flourasent light the temp is fine
btw what do you …
btw what do you recommend for lighting? My book and most of my readings say that all tree frogs need are incandesent for heat and don’t require flourescent. What would you reccomend cause my room temp is 78-85.
where you get it …
where you get it looks like fake bamboo? I’m planning on getting a red eye tree frog and that stuff looks perfect.