A reader asks –
I found some baby tree frogs in my yard in a thing that had water in it and there was about 40 baby tree frogs in it! what kind of things do i fed it and what does it need in it cage?
Some answers –
Let it go.
I actually just found one in my yard today. After my mom was done mowing the lawn I put him back where I found him. But make sure you let it go somewhere where there are trees and moisture. Not in the city!!!
If you can put the frogs back, but if not they will need an aquarium with a heat light and heat pad under it for winter, They get live insects like crickets,small meal worms, Put a branch for them to sit on and spray the acquire daily as that is how they get their water.
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Let it go. I actually just found one in my yard today. After my mom was done mowing the lawn I put him back where I found him. But make sure you let it go somewhere where there are trees and mostuire. Not in the city!!!
Oh my gosh, I just realized ur a Tokio Hotel Lover!! My friend and I were like crazy about them for a long time, but know one else new who they were since they are german. Anyways, just wanted to say that!!! 😉
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